Wholiness - Part 6. Wholiness And community

Reflective Practice

Take this blessing (or benediction) and sit with it for a few minutes. Take some deep breaths, allow yourself to slow down and feel present. Pray the words of the benediction over yourself. Then after a couple of minutes, allow someone else to come to mind and pray this blessing for them too.

So may you come to know the God that is with you, and for you, and in you               

And may you come to know your self too, and not just your self as known, but your self as loved  

And that if you are loved, then you can offer yourself kindness, compassion and grace


And may you come to see the ways we are connected to each other,                          

our interconnections filled with the presence of the divine                                             

and that while we may be different, there is no “other”                                                   

and so may you come to love your neighbour as you love yourself


And may you see the ways that we are of the earth                                                         

That to be human is not a calling to be “more” than creation                                         

But to be deeply connected and to help her flourish


And so may you come to accept and inhabit wholiness as a gift from God                    

In all of your real humanness – beautiful and flawed, whole and a work in progress

All of it loved and known and embraced by a God who is good.