What’s the good stuff?

Welcome to a growing collection of the good stuff we’ve been chatting about as a community over the past few years. We’ll regularly be releasing videos and content here on this page that relate to different topics we’ve explored together as a community. These short videos and guided reflective practices are an invitation to pause, open ourselves up with curiosity, and then to reflect and respond. 


Wholiness - Part 6. Wholiness and community

"In this final reflection in this series on Wholiness, we explore how wholiness should transform the way we see and treat one another, and the kinds of communities we build together.”


Wholiness - Part 5. Wholiness and The Body

To be human is to be an embodied creature and yet we can often have complicated relationships with our own bodies. Sometimes our religious traditions have given us negative attitudes toward our own bodies - seeing the body as the site of temptation or sin, seeing emotions as something to be suppressed, seeing sexuality as something to be suspicious of, or simply denying the ways our bodies tell us so much about what is going on for us at any given point in time. So a spirituality of wholiness must help us to move toward a more positive view of embodiment and our spiritual practices should help us move toward integration and wholeness, rather than reinforcing an unncessary splitting between what is spiritual and what is physical. 


Wholiness - Part 4. Wholiness and rest

Our society is defined by a kind of restlessness, and its a kind of restlessness that leaves us in a constant state of some kind of fatigue; the hyperactivity of 21st century Western life, the unlimited choices many of us experience, the explicit and implicit messages we receive about keeping up, about making it, about proving our worth through the things we produce and consume. So what does a spirituality of wholiness offer us in the midst of this? How and why does rest matter to our sense of self, to our relationships, and to the sense of our place in the world?


Wholiness - Part 3. Wholiness and the self

In this video we explore how wholiness is related to the self. Sometimes religion can be sold to us as needing a kind of self-rejection or the suppression of our selves – because then God can be sold to us as the cure. But our suggestion is spirituality at its best will help us become ‘more ourselves’ rather than less. This is not just good vibes religion – it is a deeply counter cultural narrative that invites us to begin with embracing the self rather than amplifying the inner critic. We also look at how this is not just an individualistic spirituality – to know (and to love) the self requires a grounding in the context of our relationships and connections with others, with those who have gone before us, and with the ground beneath our feet. 


Wholiness - Part 2. Wholiness and the Imago Dei

In this video we explore the idea that all humans image the divine. This has implications for universal human dignity and value, for the affirming of our humanness as a good and beautiful thing, and for seeing the interconnectedness of all things - a call toward harmony and wholiness.


Wholiness - Part 1. What’s with the “w”?

In this video we reflect on the subject of wholiness; an invitation to move away from a view of God as one who demands moral purity or perfection and who struggles to tolerate our presence, and instead toward a reframing of God and wholiness (in light of the story of Jesus) that moves us toward love, grace and acceptance of self and others.