Wholiness - Part 2. Wholiness and the Imago Dai

Reflective Practice

Take a couple of minutes to slow down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. As you sense your own breath coming in and out, be reminded that in the biblical story the breath was a central metaphor for understanding God’s Spirit and presence. God’s Spirit – just like the breath – gives life. 

And in this moment of stillness, here is your benediction/blessing to reflect on and to engage with as you need

For those who feel far from God – may you come to know the closeness of the divine, in whatever way makes most sense to you.

For those who feel far from others – may you come to find a sense of home in the company of kind and generous souls, who make space for you as you truly are.

For those who feel far from creation – may you come to sense the rhythm of life and the Spirit humming beneath the surface of things, and may you be surprised by a sense of connection to all that surrounds you.

For those who feel far from themselves – may you come to make friends with your own soul, seeing the best and the beautiful when you’re tempted to look past it, that you might be able to acknowledge the image of God that is within you.