Hope is an anchor

What does hope mean in our current day? It seems like many of the usual things we might ‘hope for’ are not as reachable as they used to be. The things we take (or took) for granted that enabled us to make plans for our future no longer as accessible, or guaranteed as they used to be. Our entitlement has taken a hit, and we find ourselves living in days where, from all angles, life is somehow not so predictable. This can be both distressing and exciting, depending on who you are and how you see the world.

What does hope look like then, when we are unable to control our outcomes so easily.

Hope, in Hebrews 6 : 19 looks like an Anchor, a metaphor used to describe the underlying and submerged ‘hope of glory’, who resides within us, Christ our solid rock. 

In times of trouble then,  hope can take on another meaning where we cease from the expectations that we will have what we hope for, but rather we will move to a deeper place where we hope in something or someone that grounds us, in the midst of the not knowing, and while we wait.

On Christ the solid rock I stand, 

all other ground is sinking sand, 

all other ground is sinking sand.

HopeClint Gibson