No one is left out

As we understand and lean into an Incarnational view of life, 

a view that sees God in everything,

where everyone and all created thing are found in God,

then inclusion is possible,

and no one is left out.

This sounds like a utopian world that belongs to the future, and until that time there will always exist dividing lines, where judgement, separation and exclusion of the other is the norm.

If a fair definition of sin is ‘anything that seperates us from God’, then perhaps exclusion is the greatest sin of humanity. If God is love, (and we are all found in God), then our human task is also to love, which at the end of the day includes the other, who even though different, is worthy of the same acceptance that we claim right to.

In the words of Jesus, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’

An inclusive way of living is challenging as it threatens to shred our biases, which even though often unconscious, control the way we relate to others and the world around us. We need to be open and aware of our own darkness, our shadows that hold our fears and anxieties, irrational and unhelpful in the process of learning what it means to be inclusive people.

Here is a beautiful discourse written by our resident Poet, Dietrich Soakai.

May these words reflect what our hopes and prayers are for Edge, as a Faith Community


There is a seat here for you, Yes, it’s totally fine
it’s for you,
Hope you don’t mind the lack of elbow space
We want everyone to fit,
By the way,

What you have brought with you
is enough,

There’s no need to warm it up,
straight to the table is what we say round here
no more,
no less,
no fuss,
no stress.

This meal asks one thing of you,
your presence,
that’s it. 

Be present with us,

let us be present with you.

We are all different, differ in stance,
Circumstance may look worlds apart
From a distance,
But lean forward
Lean into this
And you might find that
What you are seeking
is doing the seeking
That the food is great but it’s the space
That, is the real gift
A gracious mercy?
Filling the unseen is tendrils pining for an otherness 
Curious for attachment or connection.
And that’s okay too.

And it’s already been said, but there is space,
There’s space here for you.

Sometimes we need to hear it again
so it sinks past our shame or fear,

We welcome you, 
I welcome you,
Though we look foreign to each other
And we are an odd shatter and breaking 
pockets full of bus tickets, receipts and trauma
Our back pack of rocks and boulders
Remains of Avalanche mountain slide
former kingdoms rubble
Regrets and heart ache you can’t let go off
It’s okay, we are all carrying something and
There is room for that here too.

There is healing at this table
It’s slow and gentle working
So chew slowly there’s enough drama in a day for everyone 
It’s okay, we only learn to let go but also, sometimes fix. Either way,
Make sure you chew.

And take notice to what you notice.

And don’t feel like you need to judge it either
It is what it is, 
And sometimes we just need to celebrate and take it in with thanksgiving,
Let us share in your gratitude too,
Your splendour and magnificence. 

Can I say this without being too pushy?
We have space here for you,
If you’d like to belong 
Join in on song
And chorus
It’s our slight variance in tone and pitch that makes it all vibrate harmoniously anyway
Makes for a warm meal together.
And that’s just it, we are together
And you are always welcome here
With us.

The Three I'sClint Gibson